
   In German lore, a vampiric, shape-shifting spirit associated with nightmare DEMONs, the BOGEY, and the sexual predator demons, the SUCCUBUS and INCUBUS. The alp can be either a demon or a malevolent ghost of a dead person. In folklore, children are doomed to become alps if their mothers use horse collars to ease childbirth. The alp can assume different forms, from seductive humans to animals, such as cats, pigs, birds, and lecherous dogs. It may be disguised as a butterfly released by the breath of the horerczy, another vampiric demon. Regardless of its form, the alp likes to wear a magical hat, which confers upon it invisibility and supernatural power, including the EVIL EYE.
   The alp has an odd way of sexually molesting men and women: It enters through the victim’s mouth as a mist or a SERPENT. It drinks BLOOD through the nipples of both men and women and consumes the milk of women and cows. It sucks the life breath from victims. Folklore holds that women can prevent the alp from bothering them at night by sleeping with their shoes at the side of the bed and pointing toward the door. Amduscias FALLEN ANGEL and 67th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Amduscias is a great duke of HELL who rules over 29 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears first as a unicorn. He will take on human shape if commanded to do so, but this will cause musical instruments to be heard but not seen. Trees sway at the sound of his voice, and he gives people the power to make trees fall and also gives excellent FAMILIARs.

Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. . 2009.

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