
   FALLEN ANGEL and 34th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Furfur is an earl with 26 LEGIONs of DEMONs under his command. He appears as a hart with a fiery tail. When summoned, he must be placed within the magician’s triangle, or what he says—if he speaks at all—will be false. Once in the triangle, he changes form to that of a beautiful ANGEL, who speaks with a hoarse voice. Furfur causes love between a husband and wife. He will give true answers about secret and divine things. He can raise thunder, lightning, and great winds.

Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. . 2009.

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  • Furfur — est un démon issu des croyances de la goétie, science occulte de l invocation d entités démoniaques. Son nom proviendrait du latin: furfur ou furfures qui désigne le son. Le Lemegeton le mentionne en 34e position de sa liste de démons. Selon l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • furfur — ● furfur nom masculin (latin furfur) Ensemble de nombreuses pellicules de desquamation dans le pelage des animaux …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Furfur — Fur fur, n. [L.] Scurf; dandruff. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Furfur — (Furfŭres), Kleien. Furfures amygdalarum, Mandelkleien. Furfures tritĭci, Weizenkleien. Daher Furfuracĕus, mit kleinen spreuartigen Schuppen besetzt, u. Furfuratio (Furfurisca). Kleiengrind …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Furfur — (lat.), Kleie …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • FURFUR — an ex Graeco βόρβορος, an ex Lat. far, per repetitionem? Varr. Pascuntur farre et furfuribus hordeaceis. Etiam in hominum cibo, sed infimae conditionis, uti dicemus, ubi de Fossoribus. Vide quoqueve supra in voce Cantabrum, nec non ubi de Pane ac …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • furfur — [fʉr′fər] n. pl. furfures [fʉr′fyo͞o rēz΄, fʉr′fərēz΄] [L, bran, redupl. < IE base * gher , to rub > Gr cheras, gravel] 1. dandruff; scurf 2. [pl.] scaly bits; esp., dandruff scales …   English World dictionary

  • Furfur — In demonology, Furfur (other spelling: Furtur) is a powerful Great Earl of Hell, being the ruler of twenty nine legions of demons. He is a liar unless compelled to enter a magic triangle where he gives true answers to every question, speaking… …   Wikipedia

  • Furfur — En demonología, Furfur (otro nombre: Furtur) es un poderoso Gran Conde del Infierno, que gobierna veintinueve legiones de demonios. Miente a menos que se le obligue a entrar en un triángulo mágico, donde da respuestas certeras a todas las… …   Wikipedia Español

  • furfur — noun /ˈfɜːfə/ a) a particle of dandruff , 1964: ‘Aye,’ said WS, still in bed, scratching his baldness, examining the furfur in his fingernails. Anthony Burgess, Nothing Like the Sun b) dandruff …   Wiktionary

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