
   Aztec female DEMON and patroness of witches. The name Itzpapalotl means “obsidian knife butterfly.” She can wear a magic cloak that turns her into a butterfly. Sometimes she appears in a more demonic form, as a female with large butterfly wings edged with obsidian knives, a skull head covered in thick white makeup, a knife for a tongue, fingers with jaguar claws, and toes with eagle claws.
   Itzpapalotl once resided in heaven but fell along with the TZITZIMIME. As a demon, she took over the ruling of witches and presides over 13 unlucky signs of the calendar. On those days, she takes a horde of dead witches, who have shape shifted into butterflies and flies, through towns and forests, shrieking and screaming. In order to appease her and her horde, people sacrifice deer.

Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. . 2009.

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