
   Seven Sumerian DEMONs who are great princes of HELL or princes of the abyss, considered to be among the most powerful of all. Maskim means “ensnarer” or “layers of ambush.” Azza, AZAZEL, and MEPHISTOPHELES are among the maskim.
   Sumerian descriptions of the maskim say they are neither male nor female, they take no wives and have no children, they are “strangers to benevolence,” and they pay no attention to prayers or wishes. They live either on mountaintops or in the bowels of the earth. The maskim have the power to affect the earth and the cosmic order. They can cause earthquakes and alter the courses of the stars in the sky. They do not like humans and attack them with the most severe evil and spells.

Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. . 2009.

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