
   DEMON who appears in the form of a gigantic dog and who causes quartan fever.
   In The Testament of Solomon, Scepter tells King SOLOMON that before the king’s time he was a man, not a dog, and he accomplished many unlawful deeds in the world. He is so strong that he restrains the stars of heaven, and he is planning many more evil deeds. He deceives men who follow his star closely and leads them into stupidity. He also subdues the hearts (thoughts) of men through their throats and destroys them.
   Solomon asks Scepter why he is so prosperous. The demon tells him to turn over his manservant, whom he will spirit off to a place in the mountains where he will be shown an emerald stone. The stone will adorn Solomon’s temple.
   Solomon agrees, but he gives his servant his magical ring, with which he can quell the demon. The servant retrieves the emerald, which is shaped like a leek. He uses the ring to bind Scepter. Solomon extracts 200 shekels from the stone and has it carried about day and night as a light for the artisans. Then he locks it up. He commands Scepter and the headless demon MURDER to cut marble for the temple.
   Scepter is thwarted by the ANGEL Briathos.
   - The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Vols. 1 & 2. Edited by James H. Charlesworth. 1983. Reprint, New York: Doubleday, 1985.

Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. . 2009.

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