Xipe Tótec — Xipe Totec o Tezcatlipoca Rojo, Códice Borgia. Xipe Totec o Tezcat … Wikipedia Español
Xipe Totec — Tezcatlipoca représenté dans le Codex Borgia Nom nahua Xipe Totec Traduction en français Notre seigneur l écorché Résidence Teteocan … Wikipédia en Français
Xipe Totec — im Codex Borgia, Aztekencodex, 15. Jahrhundert Xipe Totec („unser Herr, der Geschundene“) ist der Vegetationsgott der Azteken und gleichzeitig Gott des Frühlings, der aufkeimenden Saat und der Jahreszeiten. Außerdem personifiziert er das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Xipe Totec — [ xipə to tɛk; Nahuatl »unser Herr der Geschundene«], Vegetationsgott der Azteken, schon aus Teotihuacán bekannt und auch bei anderen Völkern Mesoamerikas (Zapoteken, Mixteken) nachweisbar. Dargestellt ist er meist mit der übergezogenen Haut… … Universal-Lexikon
Xipe Totec — Pre Columbian Mexican god of spring and of new vegetation; he is also the patron of precious metals. Originating with the Zapotec Indians, he was adopted by the Aztecs. A symbol of new vegetation, he is always depicted in art wearing a freshly… … Universalium
Xipe Totec — In Aztec mythology, Xipe Totec ( our lord the flayed one ) was a life death rebirth deity, god of agriculture, the west, disease, spring, goldsmiths and the seasons. He flayed himself to give food to humanity, symbolic of the maize seed losing… … Wikipedia
Xipe Totec — (SHY pea TOE teck) Xipe Totec ( Our Lord the Flayed One ) was one of the vampiric gods of the Aztec people of ancient Mexico. He was described as wearing the skin of the victims who were sacrificed to him, symbolic of the new skin that the earth… … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
Xipe Tótec — ► MITOLOGÍA Divinidad nahua cuyo nombre significa «nuestro señor el desollado». Se le considera patrono del maíz, de las enfermedades de la piel, de los plateros, etc. * * * Dios del México precolombino de la primavera y de la fecundidad de la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Xipé( Totec) — One of the old gods of the Aztecs depicted as a being in a human skin and known as ‘Our Lord the Flayed One’. He may be compared with the Mayan God ‘F’ … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology
Xipe Totec — From Aztec mythology, the god of seed time and agriculture. He is the flayed god who skinned himself to provide food for mankind. He is also the god of penitential torture who gave man smallpox, blindness and other diseases … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology