
(Bael, Baell)
   An agricultural and fertility deity of Canaan turned into a FALLEN ANGEL and a DEMON. Many minor deities of ancient Syria and Persia carried the name Baal, which means “the lord.” The greatest Baal was the son of El, the High God of Canaan. He was the lord of life and ruled the death-rebirth cycle. He engaged in a battle with MOT (death) and was slain and sent to the underworld. The crops withered, until Baal’s sister, Anath, the maiden goddess of love, found his body and gave it proper burial. The Canaanites worshipped Baal by sacrificing children by burning.
   According to the Zohar, Baal is equal in rank to the archangel Raphael.
   Baal is the first of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. He is a king ruling in the east and governs 66 legions of DEMONs. He is triple-headed, with a cat’s head and a toad’s head on each side of his human head. He speaks hoarsely and imparts invisibility and wisdom.

Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. . 2009.

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